Principal Engineer Coriolis Enterprises, Inc. Mr. Hari Gupta, PE, MBA has over 22 years of experience in the environmental and health and safety industry with expertise in environmental compliance, air quality consulting, greenhouse gas (GHG) management, soil and groundwater remediation investigations and property cleanup, environmental auditing, and project management for municipal, governmental and commercial/industrial clients in California. Mr. Gupta has an undergraduate and a Masters in Civil Engineering from the University of Oklahoma, and a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Southern California. Mr. Gupta also teaches environmental compliance courses at local universities and colleges
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May 14, 2015 Speaker: Donald Bauer from Associated Rack Corporation Born and raised in Lincoln Nebraska, Don got a degree in Environmental Science. His first job in plating was at Square D company where he worked for 5 years learning how to barrel plate. From there he went to Lockheed Martin in Orlando and ended up in Colorado Springs with Schlage Lock as their Process Specialist in finishing. In 1996, He was hired by Associated Rack and work for the Home Office as their Engineering Manager. Don moved back to Lincoln Nebraska in 2005 where he keeps a home office. Don has served as President of the Orlando, Denver, and Nebraska/Iowa branches of the AESF/NASF. He has also been national chairman of the AESF/NASF Regionals Committee.
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April 9, 2015 Speaker: Jon Aries, Sales Manager for Amsax Technologies, Inc. and Adroit Automation, Inc. which are technology leaders in turnkey process lines for surface finish applications. Amsax/Adroit is unique in North America in having the in-house engineering capability to build and support fully automated tank lines, fume extraction systems including scrubbers and wastewater treatment. Its proprietary PC software is ISO 9000 and Nadcap compliant. Jon started Adroit in 1991 which was acquired by Amsax Technologies in 2010. He has worked on projects for both captive and job shops ranging from clean room to steel mills and will show different scale projects to demonstrate material selection, fume extraction and treatment, rinses, hoists (v cranes), controls and trade-offs for maintenance. Hopefully there will be questions from the floor. Jon graduated from Lawrence University in 1978
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March 12, 2015 Speaker: Gary Tilkian Resource Specialist, Water Efficiency Team Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.Over 19 years at the Metropolitan Water District, Gary has worked on State Water Project issues, focusing on the San Francisco Bay – Sacramento Delta system, and also local (So. Cal) water resources. Gary started working on conservation in 2008, managing Metropolitan’s Regional Water Conservation Rebate Programs, and is now taking on the Water Savings Incentive Program. Gary holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography from UC Berkeley, and a Master’s Degree in Geography from UCLA, both emphasizing physical geography and water resources.
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February 12, 2015 Speaker: Barbara Kanegsberg ( The Cleaning Lady )
Barbara Kanegsberg is an expert in critical product cleaning with over 30 years of manufacturing experience. As an independent consultant, she helps manufacturers in fields including aerospace, electronics, medical devices, optics, and additive manufacturing. Her emphasis is on design, troubleshooting, and education.
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January 8, 2015 Speaker: Frank Altmayer, MSF, AESF Fellow EDUCATION: B.S., Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology (Honors Graduate); M.S. Metallurgy, Illinois Institute of Technology. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: American Electroplaters' and Surface Finishers' Society (AESF) Currently serving as Technical Education Director EXPERIENCE: Mr. Altmayer is the former owner of Scientific Control Laboratories, Inc. in Chicago IL; a company that provides technical expertise to the emtal finishing industry. He sold the company and “semi”-retired in 2007. He has been an instructor for AESF since 1980 and has served as Technical Education Director of AESF Foundation/NASF since 1992. Frank takes on consulting projects as time allows. He has over 46 years experience in metal finishing, and the design and trouble-shooting of metal finishing processes/shops and waste treatment systems.